Other Food Resources

Vermonters who qualify for 3SquaresVT may qualify for other programs that can further stretch their budgets. From assistance with your fuel or phone bill, to free school meals for your kids, to discounts at farmers markets, learn more about how these programs work with 3SquaresVT.  



Food Aid

The network of food shelves, food banks, and congregate meal sites span the state of Vermont. The Vermont Foodbank partners with over 300 food shelves, meal sites, and community organizations throughout the state and holds regular distribution events at schools and hospitals each month. You can Find A Food Shelf near you, including contact and location information.

You can find additional information about food shelves and meal delivery services at Vermont 2-1-1. 


Local Food Incentives

Use your 3SquaresVT benefits to buy fresh, local food all year long at participating farmers markets across the state. At many farmers markets you can double your 3SquaresVT dollar to buy more fruits and vegetables. You can even use your 3SquaresVT food benefits to purchase seeds and plants to grow fresh fruit, vegetables, and herbs!

Learn more about 3SquaresVT at Farmers Markets.



WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) is a nutrition program like 3SquaresVT, but specifically for women with infants and children under 5 years old. If you’re pregnant, a caregiver, or a mom with a child under five, WIC is right for you! It is an accessible resource for guidance on nutritious eating and living. WIC supports you with healthy foods, nutrition education and counseling, and breastfeeding support. 

WIC participants get a food package benefit on a WIC card that looks and works like a debit card. The food “packages” are pre-approved food items designed to meet families’ nutrition needs. The amounts and types of foods depend on if you are pregnant or breastfeeding and the age of your infant or child.

Lunch Trays

Free School Meals

School meals are an important resource to fuel children for learning and can help families save time and money. School Meals are free for all students in Vermont public schools and in some private schools! All kids in households that get 3SquaresVT benefits are eligible for free school meals if their school participates in the federal school breakfast or lunch program, even if  your school does not offer free meals for everyone. If you have any questions about your school’s meal program or eligibility for free meals, contact your school.

Fuel & Energy Assistance

Signing up for fuel assistance may actually increase your monthly 3SquaresVT benefit amount. People who get fuel assistance will get the highest deduction for shelter costs when applying for 3SquaresVT. 

You may be eligible for fuel assistance even if heat is included in your rent. Fuel Assistance can help pay for part of your home heating bills, and there are energy savings programs that can reduce your monthly electric bill by 20-25%!

Child eating school lunch


People who receive any of these benefits are likely eligible for 3SquaresVT benefits. 

Working families with children who receive the Vermont Earned Income Tax Credit (VT EITC) are automatically income eligible for 3SquaresVT food benefits. Click here to learn how to get this important tax credit.


Legal Aid

Vermont Law Help provides legal information and helps you find free and low-cost civil legal aid, assistance and services in Vermont.

 Find Someone Near You Who Can Help

Dial 2-1-1 or click below to find someone near you who can help you with applications and answer your questions.

Vermont Foodbank 
3SquaresVT Offices       |      Community Action Agencies       |      Area Agencies on Aging